Really like this one Mr. Raven. Going to read your back catalogue. Keep it up and would it be possible to communicate over signal or some other means? I’m involved in a very interesting project you just might find to your liking. I can discuss on here if you’d prefer but much easier if we could actually speak

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My mom is visiting through Monday. In general I don't like voice communications. If it's an opsec thing you can e-mail me at raven200@gmail.com I would even consider installing PGP if it's a super secret double pinkie top secret plan. :-) But again it will have to be Tuesday at the earliest.

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Can you link me to your responses?

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Email is perfect. I’ll explain everything in an email shortly. The gun debate yes i just conceded before it started and admit i was out of my depth. But essentially I Changed my position and was trying to play devils advocate. The evolution debate is the exact opposite and i kind of don’t have the heart to go for his jugular. Ive been steadily increasing the pressure in comments but I am rapidly losing interest, but owe it to him to stay the course.

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I went in for some kills shots today, I am surprised he didn't block me, lol.

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