Aug 27Liked by Mr. Raven

great 👍👍👍

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People in general need to unite based on class-based and socioeconomic issues. It's frustrating that so many have been strategically divided by the whole political system and mainstream media using fake labels and culture war issues.

Thanks for subscribing to my newsletter, Mr Raven.

'...actual communists want to have access to guns every bit as much as right wingers do.'

Can you explain more on this?

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Author

P.S. I hope you don’t support gun control that is a red flag for an authoritarian shitheel to me.

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Should be obvious actual Communists are revolutionaries, and conservatives support the 2nd Amendment.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 27Author

Leftists are so thin skinned, this dude blocked m because I support gun ownership. He probably thinks he is a "communist," lulz.

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But in this day and age, revolutions by way of armed struggles is something we really should avoid. Our main method to go about a revolution should be mass grassroots movements and peaceful protests.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Author

Or if we do we shouldn’t talk about it on the internet.

In the U.S. at least protests are pretty played out and just act as a pressure release for bored woke HR managers. It’s probably different in other countries because they have more serious politics. I wouldn’t know because I live in the U.S., and am a right winger these days, and we generally don’t do protests, though I went to some anti-war and environmental protests back in the day as a lefty.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by Mr. Raven

Good article. Have you heard of Dr. Fritz G.A. Kraemer? He was the geopolitcal godfather of the geopolitics of Neo-conservatism during the Nixon administration. His protege was Kissinger and he didn't like the spotlight, he preferred to stay behind the scenes, so one may not have heard of him. The only book I know that has anything on him is: "The Forty Years War: The Rise and Fall of the Neocons form Nixon to Obama by Len Colodny and Tom Shachtman. It's a good book so far.

Kraemer wasn't a Trotskyist either but in his younger days would fly the Imperial German Flag from his boat.

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Interesting, no I had never heard of him, thanks.

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No problem. Glad to help. Peace

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My only quibble with this is that neocons were never Trotskyists--they always believed in the private, corporate accumulation of capital whereas Trotskyists think the State should own damned near everything--but they are every bit as authoritarian as the Trots, and every bit as convinced that they know best.

As for your main point, YES! Yes, conservatives and whom you call the principled old leftists should form a broad-based, populist coalition to end the Empire, end the censorship, end the subsidized poisoning of our food by Big Agra and the subsidized poisoning of our bodies by Big Pharma, end the Green Grift and come up with some intelligent energy policy, and, let's be honest here, end the federal government as we know it.

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It also says this in Irving Krystols Wikipedia page:

"In college he was a member of the Young People's Socialist League and was part of a small but vocal group of Trotskyist anti-Soviets who later became known as the New York Intellectuals."


It's probably from their time as Trotskyites that they picked up the tactic of entryism, which Trotskyites were notorious for, I saw it at Ann Arbor Occupy Wall St. for example.

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Otherwise agree.

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Sorry but that isn't true it's well know neo-cons were Trotskyite Jews from New York CIty early in their career.

"Irving Kristol was the son of Ukrainian Jews who emigrated to Brooklyn, New York in the 1890s. In the first half of the 1940s, he was a member of the Fourth International of Leon Trotsky (1879-1940), the Jewish Bolshevik leader expelled from the USSR by Stalin, who fought Stalin with this rival communist movement. Many leading American Jewish intellectuals joined the Fourth International.

Kristol was also a member of the influential New York Intellectuals, an equally anti-Stalinist and anti-USSR collective of Trotskyist Jewish writers and literary critics from New York. In addition to Kristol, this included Hannah Arendt, Daniel Bell, Saul Bellow, Marshall Berman, Nathan Glazer, Clement Greenberg, Richard Hofstadter, Sidney Hook, Irving Howe, Alfred Kazin, Mary McCarthy, Dwight MacDonald, William Phillips, Norman Podhoretz, Philip Rahy, Harold Rosenberg, Isaac Rosenfeld, Delmore Schwartz, Susan Sontag, Harvey Swados, Diana Trilling, Lionel Trilling, Michael Walzer, Albert Wohlstetter and Robert Warshow. Many of them had attended the City College of New York, New York University, and Columbia University in the 1930s and 1940s. They also lived primarily in the New York City boroughs of Brooklyn and the Bronx. During the Second World War, these Trotskyists realized that the US could be useful in combating the USSR, which they hated. Some of them, such as Glazer, Hook, Kristol and Podhoretz, later developed neoconservatism, which retained Trotskyist universalism and Zionism."


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In Pasadena where I live we have a local Organic farm called the Urban Homestead run by the Dervaes family. Very interestingly enough it has been a safe place fo common ground and mutual respect where lefties and conservatives have been meeting and discussing for over a decade now. So I would suspect your model is correct. Focusing on safe food is a good entry point to uniting the country

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Very good to hear, I think that’s the future. Do you have a website or anything online about it? Also you should check out this Substack, we are having regular podcasts about positive degrowth strategies, and u plugging from the neo-con digital gulag.


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Im there for the first committee meeting!

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