"woke is about the sin of men believing they are gods" - excellent encapsulation of how wokeness ties in with the belief that we can control nature in all its multivariate complexity. Thank you.

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Absolutely. I was an Earth Firster before I was a right winger. I have a couple of essays here on how the environmental movement was hijacked by technocrats you may enjoy.

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Technocracy is an attack on human/nature.

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You can’t choose Christ while retaining the hubris of judging, it’s against the rules. And don’t be telling us you mean a different thing, you don’t; you are a happy authoritarian divider, a proto-fascist seeking the inferior other against whom to rally your patriotic/christianist in-group.

You have cherry picked all sorts of silly things you ascribe to wokeness, but your attempts to pretzel them together hold less water than this mixed metaphor.

Your claimed choice of Christ and your binary outlook (according to your judging) has failed you. Buddha reminds us of the duality of nature.

Not everything is either/or; much is neither/both, together.

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Absolutely false. The bible says Jesus came with a sword to drive out evil.

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one's foes will be members of one's own household”

(Matthew 10:34-36)

Jesus said one must literally be capable of judging ones own family to embrace God, and to drive out the deceiver. But thanks for perfectly encapsulating my argument about how lack of judgement enables evil which you steadfastly refuse to judge.

As for your tired saws about Christian nationalism I an RFK Jr. supporter LOL. Engage in pre-judge-ice much? Do you judge, or lack all discernment? I keep forgetting...

Why do you like evil so much, that you insist it is maligned and abused?

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No response open advocate for evil?

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I looked at your profile. Of course you are "mad about the world," you want to destroy it as an active agent of evil, just like I said in my essay.

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