I think it would be great to see the right organize to stop war, while the left continues its demonstrations, actions, etc. It's an all hands on deck moment.

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The way the right “organizes” will be very different than the left, read my article for more details.

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I am reminded of the concept of "forced teaming". A couple of them that pop out at me is "Queers for Palestine ", and "Ex-Muslims" and other anti-woke individuals and groups--- who inevitably get gobbled up by pro- Zionist puppeteers.

Forced teaming has the feature of forming awkward alliances through a shared opponent. Muslims who are true believers do not consort with the LGBTQHIV+MAPS subculture, but because of their shared anti-war values, they show up at the same protests, and Muslims are in the awkward position of being thankful for their "Solidarity!" So, although the culture surrounding Islam is one of modesty, sobriety, chastity, and overall asceticism, they end up being "force-teamed" with LGBTQHIV+MAPS, and this association tarnishes them with unwanted associations of general instability and mental illness that the Left is known for. Not to mention the proximity of Antifa and BLM to all of the infinite grievances that dilute and neutralize the focus of the antiwar movement, allowing it to metastasize into the shitshow we have today.

Dysfunction is the calling card of the Left. Their focus is on inversion and destruction. There is no practical vision of a viable plan for the future.

I have attended a few anti war gatherings here in Libtardville, and I am not surprised or impressed. Libtardville has a very prominent Jewish Liberal demographic, so our antiwar movement is weak, and run by Leftist Jews who, while calling for a ceasefire, they take over the speeches, making it all about rooting out antisemitic "Nazis!"--- they believe the accusation that there is a CRISIS of antisemitism rising on the Left, and it needs to be crushed, HARD. The Palestinian issue becomes an afterthought. Just be grateful that we chosen ones chose to represent and speak out on your behalf. Don't YOU dare to speak out. You'll make Zionists uncomfortable, and that would be antisemitic.

So, the whole demonstration is


It's a feature of Zionists to barge in with that "We'll Take It From Here!" attitude. I see it all the time.

The antiwar movement is seen as an unhinged mess that attracts childish fools. Palestinians are presented by the media as being the pets of the left. Dangerous subhuman barbarians that should NOT be pets. The Left is letting the monster into the house! ( I think of that scene in Walking Dead, where the little girl tries to make pets of the Zombies, and Carol has to shoot her because she has become a liability to their survival. "Just look at the pretty flowers..."

Over the last 8 years, we have been relentlessly beaten down by the insanity of the Left. Brandon Straka's Walkaway Movement really spoke to me, as did Josh Slocum's Disaffected Podcast.

Until Oct 7.

I began to see strange things.

A lot of the red-pilled people began to swerve off-course and merge with Zionists.

A lot of the comedians I thought were hilarious, automatically sided with Israel, and painted antiwar activists as just more globohomo Antifa BLM Fat-Positive Child-Grooming bullshit.

Of COURSE Queers For Palestine that are the focus of the right wing media.

I literally saw Tyler Fischer pimping a new show he was putting out. The camera panned back, and there was Ben Shapiro, just grinning.

Then, Jordan Peterson gobblefelching at the spew-hole of Netanyahu. "Give 'em hell!"

The worst was when I saw JP "Awaken With" Sears doing a skit with Bret Cooper, ( Shapiro's sidekick).

He, too, was captured.

And then, Josh Slocum.

Damn, he was so good at picking up the patterns of Narcissism...

Until it was right in front of his eyes, and he refused to see it---outsourcing his morals to "experts" like Holly Mathnerd, whose full-blown Zionist narcissism betrays a very broken soul that needs healing, but she's getting too much supply from this, so it'll keep going until the Next Big Thing.

Which leaves conservative antiwar people politically homeless.

I keep my distance from Socialist solidarity marches for Gaza.

Cancel Culture saturates both sides.

When the "voices of reason" began to go full ZioNazi, I hopped off that train.


So disappointing.

But they see ZioNazis as pure truthful information sources that can't be questioned or refuted, because ANTISEMITISM.

I am disappointed that the ones I thought were reasonable became so easy to absorb and neutralize with Woke- structured language that got into their minds through the deep groove that Wokeism had worn down into their minds. The way Shapiro and his lackies latch onto Woke thought patterns to cry-bully and silence any critics is so blatant.

But, like the Woke, this is a gleeful inversion, using Woke logic against them.

"Now, it's OUR TURN!"

We definitely have war criminals on our side, but they're OUR war criminals! And those worthless sand niggers fucked around and found out! Hahaha!"

There is no evolution, only round and round. The asshole becomes the oppressed becomes the asshole becomes the oppressed.

"Pick A Side!"

Societal Narcissism writ so very large.

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Great comment, you should work this up into a long essay and post it on your account. All it would need is some light editing, and boom, so powerful.

Yes I shit canned Slosh Jokeum, and Jolly Bath Heard as soon as they went full Zio, so disappointing.

Anyway I am going to re-post this fantastic comment.

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I would also advise you to not give up hope, the paleo-conservative push back against big government empire is real and alive at places like antiwar.com and The American Conservative. Probably your best bet at this point to find simpatico minds.

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Jun 18Liked by Mr. Raven

Yup. It's never the right-leaning antiwar people who reject coalition or strategic alliance with the left. It's always some agent provocateur screeching "Nazi!" rightward and running us out.

Then the zios come and judas goat the marginal "well I think I'm against this war, at least" conservatives back into the fold once it's been established that, akshully, being against war is leftist and they're a bunch of crazy people who think you goys are nazis?

Same story every time. It's a very good strategy on the part of the war pigs. They don't really need any other.

Personally I'd join hands with literal bolsheviks or fascists to stop a war. Or a prog, not that they'd ever be against the latest blood soaked telescopic philanthropy mission. But just hypothetically, I would. We can fight about everything else afterward.

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This is a handy list, thanks!

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You are welcome.

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Jun 20Liked by Mr. Raven

Great post! Just an addition to it.

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George Washington's Farewell Address of 1796 should get honorable mention in every American History class.

If you examine the two best international statesmen who reflect the leadership qualities that General Washington recommends in his Farewell Address, it would have to be Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.

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Defend our borders only.

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For sure.

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Jun 18Liked by Mr. Raven

In addition to Anti-War.com, Scott Horton's appearances on just about any podcast or talk show are worth tuning into and promoting. Nobody is as laser-focused on the real costs and consequences of war as he is.

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Absolutely, I believe he is the senior editor at antiwar.com these days. He is a trooper, I remember listening to his podcasts against the Iraq war, back when that was a thing.

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Jun 18Liked by Mr. Raven

He is. I think he cross-posts most of his appearances on the site, but always good to keep an eye out for him.

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He has a long running podcast, pretty sure that's still a thing.

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Since the mission of our Founding Republic is to keep The United States of America, United with Peace and Tranquility at Home; our focus should be the common good for all Americans.

The Preamble of the Constitution and the world renowned "City Upon A Hill" by John Winthrop, the First Governor of Massachusetts implore Americans to be vigilant of who we are.

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And what does this have to do with my post?

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RemovedJun 18
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A. You aren’t telling me anything new.

B. What does this have to do with my post?

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RemovedJun 18
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Yes the left is goodness and flowers, never mind the millions who suffered in the gulags, and the right is all badness and all right wing people are exactly the same and think the same, right?

And you assholes have the nerve to call right wingers prejudiced bigots?

This is line of thinking is why we can’t have nice things like left and right coalitions against war.

Keep up the division and “hate,” hint it’s coming from you, not us.

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RemovedJun 18
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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Author

I am a pro Russian multi-generational Caucasian American citizen, does that count? I do unironically like Putin better than Biden, go ahead and stroke out over that, I give no fucks.

Do you hate the Russians along with the right too? Big Victoria Nuland and Azov fan perhaps? Total supporter of the Neo-Nazi 2014 coup in Ukraine? Who can even tell the Nazis from the supposed "leftists" who get all their information from (((neo-con))) controlled corporate media, and old Noam Chomsky videos anymore?

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RemovedJun 18
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Removed (Banned)Jun 16
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Jun 16·edited Jun 17Author

You are such an evil propagandist for U.S. imperialisn, well guess what I do like Putin better than Biden, shill bot who only reads my Substack, and who has no followers.

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"Hamas committed a horrible act with this very foreseeable consequence."

Hamas is a creation of Israel and its "horrible act" was a mutually agreed upon false flag.

"It's Israel's means of survival, strong defense with a overwhelming offense."

Why should I or anyone but Israelis give a fuck about Israel's survival? I bet you don't have innocent teenage sons who are now targets of the MIC's escalating conscription plans. It's not the 1960s anymore and forcefully sending our sons over to some Ukrainian or Middle East meat grinder just ain't gonna happen without a nasty fight, son.

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Well put, thanks!

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RemovedJun 16
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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Author

Later for you deep state talking points guy, bye, bye, say hi to Langley or Tel Aviv for me you ass sucking pro-genocide asshole.

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