Well written article, with accurate historical references.

My bottom line has always been - the deep state/administrative state/neocons/RINOs/Dems/ are all behind the clear and blatant rigged and stolen election in 2020. This is treason against the American people, and MUST be addressed, and those who committed treason and profited from it must pay the ultimate penalty. And I include in that Obama and Biden, Pelosi, Schiff and nazi-supporting Nuland.

This is why "they" are using malicious prosecution under corrupt DA's and judges in multiple cases where there is NO case, only false charges, to attempt to prevent Trump from taking office again. They know they have already lost, and the majority of the people know the election was stolen, and Biden is an illegitimate (P)resident, and has committed obvious treasonous acts himself along with Hunter and the entire Biden crime family.

What king of false flag events will they commit this year to stop the election from being held?

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Didn’t Victoria Nueland also get tricked into admitting there was American bio labs in Ukraine?

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Yes I remember that.

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I like it. Phuck the war pigs.

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What about Kari Lake.

I think most MAGa hate Haley & have major doubts about Vivek .. he’s too tied into big tech & transhumanism ... I don’t trust him at all ..

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I like the idea of Kari Lake as press secretary. But only if she loses her senate race.

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I know next to nothing about her, but if she is a Zionist that's a hard no. I know Vivek is an America First isolationist.

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I did not know that about her. Tkx

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A quick search indicates "maybe" she isn't, she has been accused of being an "anti-Semite" which is a pretty standard smear for anyone who opposes Israel's ongoing genocide in Gaza, so good I guess.


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I am not saying she is, I am saying I don't know. Perhaps she hasn't even stated a foreign policy position. My point is I know for certain Tucker Carlson and Vivek are America First.

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